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Looking for true love? Take your time: study


Couples who get to know each other before being intimate have a better chance of having a lasting relationship, but in some cases even a casual fling can lead to true love, according to a new research.


Most of the 56 percent of 642 adults questioned in the study who said they had waited until they got serious before they had sex reported having a high quality relationship.


The number was higher than for the 27 percent of people who had sex while dating casually and the 17 percent who were intimate while in a non-romantic relationship.


"There's something about the characteristics of people who wait before sex that is linked to higher-quality relationships," said sociology professor Anthony Paik of the University of Iowa.


Paik, who reported the findings in the journal Social Science Research, said the research suggests that the courtship process acts as a screening mechanism.


"The debate is 'why can't we have sex now?' The expectation is that sex should occur very quickly. But doing so, you're losing out on some information that might be useful," he explained in an interview.


It's almost an economic equation, he added.


"On average, the more costly the process leading into the relationship, the more likely it is to work. That's what the data would suggest."


But Paik said the findings did not show that an early sexual relationship had a direct negative impact on relationships.


When he filtered out people who said they had frequent non-romantic or casual dating sexual relationships he found that the gap in relationship quality between serious and nonserious contexts of sexual activity disappeared.


"It means it's possible for two strangers to lock eyes in a bar, and go home together, and actually end up in a long-term relationship," Paik said.



1. successfully=spectacularly well=wonderfully 成功地adv.

2. people power=local pressure groups 群众力量n.

3. commute=travel 通勤 v.

4. higher=increasing=more 更高的 adj.

5. income=wealth=salary=wage=payment 收入n.

6. beneficial=valuable=profitable=good 有益的 adj.

7. together=face to face 共同

8. refute=not mean=rebut=deny 反驳v.

9. accommodation=live=living condition 住宿n.

10. usage=use=benefit=profit 用处n.

11. averagely good=reasonable but not special 较好的

12. limited=minimal 有限的adj.

13. move from one to another=adopt one over another 转移

14. show=reveal=uncover=indicate=point out=imply 表明

15. related=associated 有关联的 adj.

16. suffer=be afflicted 忍受(病痛)v.

17. research=study=investigation=survey 研究n.

18. affect=afflict=influence=change 影响v.

19. disease=medical complain=illness 病痛 n.

20. increase=surge=rise=gain=grow=go up=add=escalate 上升v.

21. link=correlation=connection=relationship 关系n.

22. considerable=significant=substantial=massive=marked大量的 adj.

23. reduction=drop=concession=fall=decrease 下降 n.

24. elderly people=old people 老人n.

25. independent=self-reliant 自立的 adj.

26. regular=daily 定期的adj.

27. exercise=physical activity 运动n.

28. challenging=difficult=tough=demanding 有挑战性的adj.

29. decline=deteriorate=reduce=drop=decrease 下降v.

30. lonely=emotionally isolated 孤独的adj.

31. hand signal=gesture=body language 手势n.

32. restricted=limited 有限的adj.

33. concept=abstract idea=definition 定义n.

34. specific=particular=detailed 特定的adj.

35. early=older 早期的adj.

36. fulfill=qualify=achieve=keep=satisfy 完成v.

37. sufficient=enough 足够的adj.

38. quantity=how many=amount 数量n.

39. misunderstanding=confusion 误解n.

40. prevent=resolve=forbid=stop 防止v.

41. poor=lack of=impoverished 贫穷adj.

42. newer=later=recent=present 新的adj.

43. ancestor=early people=predecessor 祖先n.


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