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Leftover men refer to single men aged 28 to 39 who are eager to marry and start a family. The term is similar to "leftover women," or "shengnu," who are usually well-educated, single women over 27, according to a survey by Jiayuan.com, a major wedding website.

The survey interviewed more than 56,000 men across the country, mainly single men born in the 1970s and 1980s with university degrees. Among them, 31 percent said they are leftover men.

In Shanghai, about 33.2 percent of the interviewed single men said they were leftover men, ranking fifth highest in the country, the survey found. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region ranked first with 35 percent of respondents saying they were leftover men.

Different from other single men, most of the leftover men are very eager and even confident to find their other halves, but they struggle to say goodbye to their single life, the survey found.

More than half of the respondents said they wouldn't want to be labeled a leftover man.

Shanghai's fast living pace, strong work pressure and demanding mothers-in-law, who have extremely high income expectations for potential husbands for their daughters, have forced these single men to marry at older ages, experts with the website said.

Among the leftover men nationwide, 55 percent are office workers while 36 percent are middle or senior management officials. About 30 percent said they earn less then 2,000 yuan per month while 16 percent said they don't have any income, the survey found.

About 49 percent of respondents said they don't have a car or apartment. Sixty-five percent said they are "indoor guys," according to the survey.

Actresses Crystal Liu, Lin Chiling and Fan Bingbing ranked as the top three "dream women" for Chinese leftover men, the survey found.

Large numbers of leftover men can lead to serious social problems, experts said.

The survey quoted census data showing a gender ratio imbalance among those at usual marrying ages. There were 136 males per 100 females among people born after the 1980s.

Nearly 12 million men aged 30 to 39 are currently unmarried compared to 5.82 million women in the same age range, the survey said.













同“剩女”相比,“剩男”的低薪比例明显较高,其中月薪低于2000元的“剩男”比例占30%,还有16%的“剩男”甚至没有收入。接受调研的单身男性中49%的人没有房也没有车,文化低、收入少是造成这部分男性被 “剩下”的原因。

调查发现,65%的“剩男”承认是宅男,刘亦菲、林志玲、范冰冰成为的“剩男女神”前三甲。业内专家分析,女性通常喜欢“仰视”,愿意找比自己的男士,而男士也更愿选择“仰慕”自己的女性。如果按文化程度、收入等将男女各分为A、B、C、D四个档次,A男往往选择B女,B男则选择C女,以此类推,A女和D男往往成为最容易 “剩”下的人群。

“剩男”中约一半人为普通职员,也有36%是中高层管理人员。部分男士属于帅气多金的 “钻石王老五”类型,这部分人群多受过良好的教育,月薪不低于15000元,岁数在30以上,占受访总人数的36%左右,属于A男类型。跟D男相比,A男当然不愁找对象,不少受访者都表示,之所以还单着,主要是太挑。由此可见,“A男太挑,D男没人要”仍是普遍趋势。


Amid the violence and political upheaval in Ukraine, a young female protester has told how she fell in love with a police officer after a stand-off in the capital Kiev.


Lidia Pankiv, 24, said she had been one of the protesters out on the streets campaigning against corruption and demanding a change the day she met police officer Andrei.


She said: 'We were up close to the police officers and I got a call from a friend, the officers were only just in front of us and she was asking me to help find a friend of hers that had been arrested.


'She wanted me to write something. I told her to call me, and I gave her the number she should call. I told her it twice as it was loud and there was shouting.'


Instead of the call she was expecting, however, she got a text and it was not from a protester, it was from one of the police officers who had been standing in the police line opposite her.


He said that when he had seen her standing there defenceless and putting herself between armed men and those that she was trying to protect, he had been smitten.


The short message said: 'Despite all the commotion I remembered your phone number when you gave it to your friend. I don't even know your name.


'I was standing in the night with a shield in front of you. When you stopped us from advancing, I realised that I want to marry you. Andrei.'


The first meeting was in front of the barricades on Maidan square, where surrounded by the wreckage of the battles they had their first date.


She said: 'I was really surprised that the message and don't know why I agreed to meet him, I thought perhaps it might be possible to convince him that the side he was on was wrong and I certainly didn't expect to find myself falling in love with him. But when I saw him when I started to speak to him - that is what happened.'


The young woman's story was first reported in December but was not excessively covered by local media which was still under the control of the government and where the policeman was in danger were his name to be made public.



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