在雅思阅读备考中,很多考生都沉迷于刷题,单纯认为题目刷到一定数量就能取得高分。今天小编给大家带来 一定要注意的四点雅思阅读高分原则,希望可以帮助到大家在雅思口语高分经验总结分享,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC ENGLISH:这篇文章的summary题目从28题至34题,涉及了全文所有段落。其中,28题在文章的首段,而29题与28题相隔四段的内容。在找答案时,如果没有提示的帮助,我们会耗费非常大的时间。
28题:In Europe, modern science emerged at the same time as the nation state. At first, the scientific language of choice remained__________. 这是第一个题目,答案应该出现在文章的开头部分,但是我们根据题目,可以判断28题要求我们填写的是一种语言,并且是at first起初,科技语言的选择仍然停留在哪种语言上。那么我们在回原文找答案时,就特别侧重于起初科技语言是哪种语言这个问题。第一段出现了Japanese, German, French, English, Latin这几种语言,那么我们根据at first这个线索,找到了确定的答案:Latin. (原文:Before that, Latin was regarded as the lingua franca for European intellectuals.)
29题:Sometimes the desire to protect ideas seems to have been stronger than the desire to communicate them, particularly in the case of mathematicians and ____________. 解决这个题目时,如果将原文逐字逐句来读,就浪费了大量宝贵的做题时间,其实,我们可以先来看看这个题目的空,需要填的词与mathematicians并列,因此非常有可能是填写一种身份的人,而题目整句话的意思是:保护一些有价值观点的目的性似乎比与他们沟通的期望更强烈一些,尤其在数学家和_______的事例中。我们在查找答案时,就应该关注“希望保护观点”的段落,我们定位到第六段:A second reason for writing in Latin may, perversely, have been a concern for secrecy. 这里划线的短语帮助我们定位,因为它的含义是“为了保密”。在这一段中,出现的某一种身份的人就是scientists和doctors,再根据意思,确定答案是doctors。
在剑桥雅思真题系列IV中,Q13 / Passage 1 / Test 1:
题目:Answer the following questions by choosing the correct responses A-P. (Matching)
Which of the responses is cited as unexpectedly uncommon, given the amount of time spent on the issue by the newspapers and television?
本题是这一组Matching 题目Q9-13中难度最大的一个,考生应能根据整体文章的脉络意识到本题信息的大体位置。由于Q9-12均按顺序出场,而且覆盖了文章大部分中间篇幅,在应对最后一题Q13时,应考虑与Q12的关联,在随后的篇幅中按照关键词索骥。
句中unexpectedly uncommon 是非常合适的关键词,而time 以及随后出现的以newspaper 为代表的媒体是具体特征。
在全文倒数第三段中Line 4 出现了: This is surprising considering the high level of media coverage on this issue.
句中出现了和关键词unexpectedly uncommon吻合的 surprising, 以及对应于time / newspapers的media coverage, 可知考点在此处,但细读下来,考生仍然难以在此找到最终答案,因为题目中讲的是 Which of the responses …, 所以答案应该是孩子们回答中的内容。
虽然答案尚未出现,但可以确定距离此处不远,可望依托上下文找出答案。在紧邻的上一句中:Only a few of the pupils (6%) mentioned that rainforest destruction may contribute to global warming. 可知下一句的This 指的是global warming.在此,语义场所铺垫的整个语义指向起到了关键性的作用。最终选择答案 J. As the rainforests are destroyed, the world gets warmer.
AN exhibition of keepsakes from sad love affairs attracted more than 1,000 visitors on its opening day yesterday.
Taking the theme “bittersweet,” the show at the Global Harbor Shopping Mall opened on Singles Day, November 11, and features 111 love tokens. The number 1 signifies single.
Exhibits include everything from love letters and a wedding dress through to a stamp album, a wine bottle cork and a pair of shoes.
All are reminders of relationships that, for whatever reason, ended, said organizers.
Around 60 exhibits are from China, while the rest are from France and Spain and other countries.
They were collected following public appeals by the organizers.
“Each token tells a touching story, and people want to be touched by stories,” said organizer Cao Xun.
Reactions varied, with some visitors finding the romantic keepsakes poignant, while others were amused by the show.
“I came here out of curiosity as the stories told by the owners of these items on display are very funny,” He Xiaoxiao,20, told Shanghai Daily.
“I can learn a lot from their experiences,” she added.
“My boyfriend was supposed to come with me today, but we broke up yesterday so I ended up here alone,” Ivy Gao sobbed.
“Some of these stories behind the exhibits are touching and made me realize why I lost him,” she added.
Other visitors had more commercial motives for attending the show.
Xu Dao, 27, who runs a class which aims to teach men how to get a girlfriend, says he was on the lookout for potential clients.
The exhibition will run through December 11. Admission is 60 yuan (US$9.8) per person and 111 yuan for up to three people.
Could boycotting the 2018 World Cup prove more effective at persuading Russian president Vladimir Putin than an increasingly long list of economic sanctions? For the first time since the Ukraine crisis began nine months ago, EU diplomats are actively considering the idea.
According to an options paper circulated in European capitals yesterday, the EU is considering whether to recommend suspending Russia from “high-profile international cultural, economic or sporting events” including Formula One races, European football competitions and the next World Cup, awarded in 2010 to Russia.
Diplomats said a boycott of the World Cup would not be among new sanctions to be agreed by the end of the week. But during a meeting of EU ambassadors on Monday,
several delegations, particularly Estonia and Lithuania, showed great enthusiasm for the idea. According to the options paper, “thought could also be given to taking co-ordinated action” on a sporting ban once new sanctions are decided.
“This kind of discussion is timely, as we do not see goodwill from the Russian side,” said a Latvian diplomat.
After the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the US led a boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow, setting a precedent for using international sporting events as a proxy for geopolitical brinkmanship. Four years later, the Soviets retaliated, leading an Eastern bloc boycott of the 1984 Games in Los Angeles.
“Boycotting a prestigious international sports event has a distinctively Cold War feel to it,” said Mujtaba Rahman, head of European analysis at the Eurasia Group risk consultancy. “This will sting the Russians far more than anything the EU will do on finance this round.”
Fifa said it stood by a statement made in response to the downing of flight MH17 in July that hosting the World Cup “can be a powerful catalyst for constructive dialogue between people and governments”.
The recommended economic sanctions to be debated by the European Commission today before being sent to national capitals for approval by the end of the week would expand the ban on Russian companies accessing European capital markets, currently limited to Russia’s large state-owned banks, to the country’s defence and government-owned energy groups.
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