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在托福的教学中,常常会听到学生抱怨不知该如何写好一篇作文。过去半年,托福的大作文话题相对集中,一些考生在考试时信心十足,认为自己字数足够、思路清晰、论据完整充分,应该能拿到高分。但成绩一出来,却不尽如人意,没有预期中好。于是他们产生了疑问,到底怎么样才能让考官给高分?经过对评分标准所提的要求的分析后,才发现原来自己的不足是在多样性上。众所周知,托福写作的四个评分标准中Grammatical Ranges and Accuracy, Lexical Resources充分体现了托福写作的基础点也是加分点为词汇和语法的多样性。本文将对此进行讨论并提出关于如何做到托福写作多样性的一些建议。

1. 词汇语法多样性的体现

1). 词性的多样性。

有调查指出,中国学生在作文中常出现的词性为动词,因为我们脑中时刻紧记着以前语文老师要求的只有用动词才能写出生动的文章,才能体现我们的博览群书。然而英语(论坛)中却不尽然。通过对大多高分范文的分析,不难发现,除了动词词组的运用,各种的名词的使用更得考官的青睐,更能体现外国人的文风。拿小作文的发展趋势做例子,大家都知道增加、降低等动词的表达,如increase steadily, decrease sharply等,但转换一种方式用名词的形式表达,就更显得多样了,如experience a steady increase, undergo a sharp decrease。而如"surface"一词,学生经常只会用它的名词用法“......的表面”,却从来不用它的动词形式。如果你留心原版杂志和阅读材料,它的动词用法无处不在。例如"The fact of his plan surfaced"这里的"surface"就相当于 "appear"。所以不管什么词性,只要用了不能的表达方法,其结果都是不同的。当然是指正确的表达方法。

2). 同义词多样性。

在写作中,如果一个相同的词在250字的文中出现了不下三次,那么作为学生自己,也会觉得自己的文章没有可看性,更别提考官,可见此学生语言功底一般,又怎么拿得到高分。而如果一篇文章,关于同个词却有三四中表达方法,无疑给这篇文章加分不少。其实同义词也是展现一个学生英语水平的一个媒介。中国学生常用的形容词就是good, 不管是修饰什么名词,用上再说,殊不知这已经给这篇文章打了个相对低的起评分,所以如何来表达不同的“好”呢?我们就可以用excellent, marvellous, gorgeous, splendid, wonderful等。再如不要一想到“越来越多”就用 “more and more” 尝试用 “an increasing number” 这样不同的词来表达,势必会给平淡的文章增添亮点。

3). 句式结构的多样性

用丰富多彩的句型,也是托福写作能得高分的标准之一。例如有这样一个句型:"If we don't recognize the..."我们是否可以替换为:"Failure to recognize...",再如 “sth. happened in 1998.” 我们也可以替换为 “1998 saw sth happening.” 这样显得更加的地道。此处还推荐学生能用不同的从句写出漂亮的句子,为文章加分。当然,这并不是意味着整篇文章都是复合句或并列句,如果能很好的做到长短句结合,使文章通顺连贯,也是能得到考官喜欢的。

2. 几点建议


1). 做好词汇短语的积累工作。很多考生有这样一个误区,他们认为只要背了某些参考书上所谓的模板,再积累些论据,写作的问题就迎刃而解了,殊不知,却得到了本文开始的结果。当然这里的积累并非死记硬背,而是通过将一个单词的不同形式,以及其同义表达等放在一起记忆就事半功倍。若遇到一个新词,就要在脑中搜寻它的相关信息,这样一来,就能在考试这么短的时间中马上浮现了。但是一次的记忆是远远不够的,所以适时的重复记忆也非常重要。

2). 多看高分范文,并对其中的词汇句型多样性进行总结。考生在备考过程中看范文时往往只是从整体上学习了其论据的安排,而忽略了细节的词汇句型的运用,所以教师在上课时也要合理安排时间,将一部分用在对其的讲解上。学生准备一本笔记本专门用做记录好词好句和其转换形式。

3). 加强练习。经常有学生问,作文提高是不是只要多写几篇就可以了,其实答案是否定的。我这里所指的加强练习是在一定的基础之上的,即学生已经基本掌握了托福写作的各项要求。那么这样练习才能有的放矢。通过几次的练习,能检查出学生多样性的掌握情况,并对症下药,了解不足处,在真正考试中能突围而出。




What is the most important animal in your country?

What is the most important animal in your country? Why is the animal important? Use reasons and specific details to explain your answer.




Animals have the power to be iconic symbols for a country. Every country has its own symbolic animal, which is supposed to represent the values and ethics of that country. For example, Americans have enlisted the eagle as their national animal. The Germans represent themselves with the Black Bear. In China, however, our national animal is the Panda.

The Panda is a great source of pride in China. It is an animal that is on the verge of extinction; however, it has had a long and great history. Scientists have traced this curious creature's roots back to the time of the dinosaurs, hundreds of thousands of years ago. Because of this long history, the Panda has lovingly been termed the "living fossil." Today, scientists can study the panda and discover many interesting facts about the history of our planet and its habitats.

Another reason why the Panda is the animal ambassador for China is that it represents peace and friendship. In ancient times, a flag with a panda on it would be raised at the border between two countries to represent peace, love, unity and respect between the two neighbors. In modern society, China often offers a panda to a friendly country as a sign of kinship. For example, China has presented both the United States and Japan with pandas.

Finally, the history of pandas is profoundly intertwined with the history of China. In ancient times, emperors used to keep pandas as pets. These animals were seen as magical and mystical by all who knew them. Some emperors kept pandas to ward off evil spirits and also believed that they prevented natural disasters.

Thus, the giant, black and white panda is the national symbol of China. These graceful animals are a joy to all who see them, and are a source of pride for the Chinese. The government is so concerned about keeping these animals in existence that it is spending millions of dollars trying to determine how to artificially inseminate the giant panda. Hopefully, they will succeed and this animal will be on earth for another million years.



What natural resource that is disappearing needs to be saved?

Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water. Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.




The world's resources are incredibly important, and as the world's population grows higher and faster, it is difficult to hold on to these precious assets. While all resources have their own important uses, I believe that forests are the resource that we should be most concerned about preserving.

Trees provide three important functions in the ecosystem. First, they transpire water into the air, creating clouds, and therefore, rain. Without trees, this cycle is interrupted, and rainfall is drastically reduced to minimal levels. Second, trees hold topsoil in place and soften the impact of water on the ground. This is of utmost importance in rain forests, where decomposition is rapid and because of this, the layer of topsoil might only be five to ten centimeters deep. Finally, trees are important to the ecosystem because they protect streams from debris and silt. If the trees were all removed, there would be nothing holding back this dirt from our rivers, destroying the aquatic environment.

Trees also, of course, provide natural beauty to a country. This is very important for tourism, as many visitors enjoy going on long hikes through wooded areas, and taking in the beautiful scenery. If a country has no natural beauty, there will be little draw for tourists to come and visit. While cities can be exciting, most people are drawn to these natural jewels.

Forested area is also the main habitat for a plethora of animal species. In fact, most of the extinction and endangerment of animals today can be attributed to habitat destruction. If we continue our trend in deforesting the world, we will soon find ourselves living in a barren wasteland, with no wildlife to keep us company. The effects of the extinction of even one species of animal is yet unknown. Breaking the food chain on even one level might have profound ripples through all life on earth.


