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雅思口语话题Part3范文:a time when you taught somebody to do some

参考范文:Describe a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative to do something

1. What can young people teach old people? 年轻人能教给老年人什么?

Well, how to use and make most of new technology, first of all. I mean using a computer or a smartphone, which can be a problem for the old without somebody's help. What is more, I think the young can teach the elderly to try new things, have fun and enjoy the moment as this is what they do themselves all the time. I would also add to the list of lessons such things as being diverse, noticing and enjoying the little things, laughing every day and. of course, fulfilling dreams as all this can make twilight years pleasant and enjoyable.

2. Do you think anything can be learnt by studying hard? 你认为通过努力学习能学到什么吗?

Well, I would say more likely yes than no because our intelligence is not fixed but trained as all other muscles we have, and the more we struggle, the better results we get. On the other hand though, there are specific subjects that require innate skills or talent. The good news is that there are not many subjects like this. So, yeah, studying hard can help us master almost any skills, to my mind.

3. What kind of people are good at teaching? 什么样的人擅长教学?

Well, I guess, first of all, knowledgeable and competent as it's really important for a good teacher to be able to answer all students' questions accurately and lay a good foundation for mastering the subject. I also think people good at teaching are imaginative and innovative, I mean able to break monotony as well as get students excited to learn the subject and take lively participation in the class. What else? Oh, they are interactive, for sure, doing their best to develop students' creative self-expression communicative skills, and, of course motivating to spark students to use their knowledge whenever possible.

雅思口语话题Part3范文:Describe an achievement that you are proud of

参考范文:Describe an achievement that you are proud of

1. In general, how do people judge or, assess the success of others? 一般来说,人们是如何评价别人的成功的呢?

Well, I guess it depends on people. Some of them assess the success of others by looking at how much money they have or what they have achieved. Others do it by looking at who they are surrounded by or what they feel about who they are. I also know people who judge the success of others by how they meet life's challenges, what personal growth they have achieved or what differences they make in their everyday life. So, it heavily relies on people and their life value.

2. Do you believe being successful and making a lot of money are the same thing? 你认为成功和赚很多钱是一回事吗?

Of course no. The true meaning of success goes far beyond having a lot of money. Being successful is being healthy, and money sometimes cannot buy health. Being successful is having a life full of joy and happiness with the family, and money cannot buy family. So, I am more than sure that success cannot be defined with money, but instead with values in life that make people happy such as health, friendship, relation and family.

3. How do people achieve success at school? 人们如何在学校取得成功?

Well, first of all, by having self-discipline and loving to gain knowledge, I guess. To be successful at school kids should make school a priority, focus on the studies when it matters and make the most of their time in the classroom. What is more, they should have a skill to take breaks and rest when they need it as it's really important to manage their physical and emotional needs as carefully as their academic ones in order to succeed. Oh, and, of course, it's essential to find studying method that suits their learning style in order to get excited about studying process and challenge themselves as much as possible. All these actions will definitely lead to getting stellar grades and achieving

4. Which do you think is more important, academic success or success in more practical, everyday skills?

Well, both, for sure. It's impossible to be successful without academic success as theoretical knowledge is of primary importance when it comes to having stable employment and earning higher salaries. What is more, it lets people be less dependent on social assistance and more active as citizens and charitable volunteers. But practical, everyday skills, in their turn, help people get a deeper understanding of a concept through the act of doing and personal experience which lets them meet the challenges everyday life and recognize the impact of their actions. So, no doubt, both types of success are essential.

雅思口语话题Part3范文:Describe an area of science you studied that you are interested in

参考范文:Describe an area of science you studied that you are interested in

1. Do you think science is important? 你认为科学重要吗?

Oh, I would even say it's of primary importance 'cause it pushes back the boundaries constraining our knowledge and provides the potential for long-term benefit worldwide. Science defines us, our world and our universe. It is the engine of prosperity, the system of exploring and innovation. Science lets us make progress as a race allowing us to protect ourselves from the environment and the environment from our impact. So, to sum up, it is very important and even vital.

2. How can museums help learn science? 博物馆对人们学习科学有什么帮助?

Well, for example, Natural History museums can introduce people to specimens of animals, fish, birds, reptiles and other natural forms such as rocks and minerals. What is more, they can help people understand how the Earth has changed over time and how it has stayed the same. Science and Technology museums can contribute to science learning by explaining how things work, displaying working models of inventions showing where the latest technology comes from and where it is going and just giving people a cha test scientific laws pushing buttons and pulling levers.

3. Do you think science can change our society? 你认为科学能够改变我们的社会吗?

Definitely yes. It has already done it and continuing to impact different spheres of our society life. I mean energy, conservation, agriculture, leisure, health and exploration issues. What is more, science continues to introduce changes in our means of communication, methods of transportation, housing, clothes and food, the way we work and even the length and quality of life. So, yeah, it definitely can change our society. I would even say it can do it both positively and negatively.

4. Which area of science is the most important in the last one hundred years? 科学在过去一个世纪里对哪个领域很重要?

Well, I would highlight medicine because advances in this sphere have touched the lives of nearly every person on the planet helping to save their own lives or the lives of people they have loved. I think I should mention such medical breakthroughs of the century as the discovery of penicillin and DNA which carries the genetic information that makes us what we are. Some more breakthroughs that are worth our attention are blood transfusions, artificial hearts and heart transplants and tube babies. Considering the progress that has been made in medicine in the last century we should also recall the prevention of nutritional deficiencies and successful treatments for one deadly infections. Well, I guess I have named enough facts to prove my point.

雅思口语话题Part3范文:traditional product in your country

雅思口语part3参考答案:Describe a traditional product in your country

1. Why do traditional products attract tourists? 为什么特产能吸引顾客呢?

Oh, I guess traditional goods appeal to holidaymakers because they are truly local and kind of add flavour to holidays. What is more, tourists like to take something home as a reminder of their travels, something they can use to look back and reminisce about the fantastic experience they had during their holiday, something to commemorate their adventures and love for the places they have been to. Only local traditional products can meet this demand, to my mind, and that's the main reason why they are loved by travellers so much.

2. What different types of traditional products are produced in your country? 你们国家有哪些不同种类的特产呢?

Well, a lot of different handicrafts, first of all. I mean handmade carpets, rugs, pillows, embroidered goods, baskets and different kinds of jewellery. Local souvenir markets also offer a wide choice of ceramics and earthenware coming from various regions of X (the name of the country). One more thing my country is famous for is producing folk clothes with a distinctive design, for example, geometrical patterns, floral motifs and stylized images of people, birds of animals.

3. Why do people like to buy imported products? 为什么人们喜欢买进口商品?

Oh, I think for a couple of reasons, actually, first of all, people do it because foreign products have a good reputation and almost always mean a higher quality. They are internationally accepted by consumers and it's a sign of their worthiness for many people. Secondly, they are often regarded as a status symbol, which is very important for customers as it makes them feel proud of themselves. And lastly, imported goods usually have a wider choice, which undoubtedly appeals to a number shoppers as people like to choose, from a wide range.


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