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雅思口语话题Part3范文:a time you saw lots of people were smiling

雅思口语参考范文:Describe a time you saw lots of people were smiling

1. What makes people laugh in your country or in your culture? 在你的国家或文化里,有什么会让人发笑?

Well, I guess everything that sounds funny or causes a chain reaction such as the sound of roaring laughter, for example. A lot of people laugh at pranks, slapsticks, Freudian slips, puns and just everyday jokes. Some people can burst out laughing looking at funny impressions of someone, recalling embarrassing moments and after saying or doing something silly. There are situations when people start to laugh playing with pets or communicating with little kids.

2. Do you think there are differences between what males and females think is humorous? 你认为男女对于幽默有哪些不同?

Oh, no. I don't think that a sense of humour depends on gender. To my mind, it is highly individualized and varies from person to person. It's most likely that a sense of humour can be an indicator of emotional intelligence. In many cases the environment and experiences are specific to an individual. To sum up, I don't think that there are any gender differences in what people find funny.

3. What do you think are the differences between seeing comedy on TV and reading funny materials in a book? 你认为看电视喜剧和书上有趣的段落有哪些不同?

Well, actually both of them make people laugh, take away stress and sadness and make people feel good and happy. I think that the only difference between watching comedies and reading something funny in books is that books require more use of imagination allowing and inviting the readers to create their own personalized mental images of the stories they are immersed in while comedies present the images without the need for audiences to exert their imagination. Oh, and one more thing that differs books from funny films is that watching comedies is usually seen as a group activity while reading is sow people opt for when they are alone.

4. What do you think are the benefits of laughter? 你认为大笑有什么好处?

Oh, there are plenty of them, to my mind. First of all, laughter binds people together and, as a result, increases happiness and intimacy. It boosts the energy and adds joy and zest to life. It also eases anxiety and fear. enhances resilience and helps defuse conflict. What is more, laughter has huge health benefits as it triggers healthy physical changes in the body, strengthens the immune system, diminishes pain and just promotes an overall sense of well-being.

雅思口语话题Part3范文:leisure facility (cinema. sports center) you like to go

雅思口语part3参考范文:Describe a leisure facility (cinema. sports center) you like to go in your hometown

1. What are some examples of ways that people use to relax? 人们都用哪些方式放松?

Oh, I guess different people opt for different relaxation methods. Some people give preference to doing yoga. meditating and stretching to relieve muscle tension. Others choose pampering themselves with a health spa, beauty treatment or a good massage. There are also people who just need to meet friends or spend time with beloved ones to relax. Active people opt for such rest as working out in the gym, dancing, or going shopping. I can also name such nice ways to relax as taking a bath cuddling with a pet, getting fresh air and listening to favourite music.

2. Some people say that, on average, there is more stress in people's lives today than in the past. Do you agree? 有人说,平均来说,如今人们的生活比过去更有压力,你同意吗?

Some people say that, on average, there is more stress in people's lives today than in the past. Do you agree? Well, I guess yes. Nowadays people devote too much time to work as they have too much responsibility and too many commitments. People want to achieve so many things that they just don't have enough time to do everything in advance and have to put extra pressure on themselves procrastinating things and doing last minute work, which is extremely stressful. What is more, these days people have too many expectations from everything and everyone they encounter and too many options to choose from, which is also not great as making the right choice takes a lot of energy and time. All these things add stress to people’s lives and make them more stressed in comparison with previous generations.

3. Is the environment important for people to get relaxed? 对人们放松来说,环境重要吗?

I am more than sure it is. I just can't imagine how a person can relax when there are such environmental factors as excessive noise, busy traffic, uncomfortable living space, bad weather or natural disasters, problems with roommates or neighbours. Though I know what things can help people get relaxed fast. These are pictures of beloved people and favourite places on the walls, pleasant music, candles all around, greenery and colourful fishes in a fish bowl. So, yes, the environment is really important.

4. How can companies provide their employees with an opportunity to relax? 公司如何给他们的员工一个放松的机会?

Well, I think the first thing companies can do is create breakrooms, I mean special spaces with comfortable furniture, various magazines and books to read or just look through, relaxing background music, different games giving employees a chance to unwind and engage in an activity and a lot of free coffee with all the extras such as sugar, cream, sweets and stuff like that. What else? Of course, at least 1-hour lunch breaks and not too many deadlines.

5. What is the difference in the way people spend their free time nowadays and 20 or 30 years ago? 和过去20-30年相比,人们享受闲暇时光的方式有哪些不同的地方?

Well, I think 2 or 3 decades ago people spent most of their time outdoors either playing sport or working in the garden. They also did a lot of household chores, received quests and paid visits to relatives, friends and neighbours. As far as nowadays are concerned, people spend most of their spare time surfing the net, playing computer games a communicating with others in social networks. They also take a lot of extra classes, exercise, devote time to hobbies and travel around their countries and abroad.

6. What do people in your country do in their spare time? 你们国家的人如何享受闲暇时间?

Oh, nowadays a lot of people living in my country exercise after work and at weekends. I guess it's because more and more people understand that physical exercise is important for both physical and mental health as it gives a release after a day or week of stress. Many people devote quite a lot of their free time to reading and taking extra classes never stopping learning new aspects of the world around them. They also spend plenty of time on their hobbies which are a kind of a breath of fresh air that keeps them grounded and in some cases even offers networking opportunities. And of course, spend time with family and friends, surf the net, entertain and travel as much as they can afford.

7. In general, who do you think has more leisure time, men or women? 大体来说,你认为谁有更多的放松时间,男人还是女人?

Well, I wouldn't say that there are any gender differences in what concerns leisure time that's why, to my mind, both men and women can have either enough or not enough time for rest depending on their lifestyle and priorities. Though if to consider families where both mothers and fathers work, it's obviously dads who have more leisure time 'cause they work as much as moms but spend much less time on bringing up children and household work.

8. What do young people do in their free time? 年轻人的自由时间会做什么?

Oh, I guess it depends on young people, their likes and dislikes as well as interests and hobbies. I think a lot of them spend plenty of their spare time with friends either attending youth clubs, taking extra classes or just window shopping in central malls. In warm seasons the young spend time in the parks cycling, skate boarding and playing different sports. In evenings they visit cinemas, concerts and discos or spend time in pubs having a couple of glass of beer and a good laugh. It’s also quite popular among youth to travel around the country and abroad. 9. Do you think that people today have more leisure time than people in the past? Definitely, no, to my regret. The world is changing too fast and people have to work more and never stop learning something new to keep up with its pace. Life is getting more and more competitive and in order to survive and be successful people sacrifice a part of their leisure time spending it on developing new skills and fulfilling their potential. As a result, they work unlimited hours in contrast with people in the past who worked from 9am till 6pm spending the rest of their time on family and relaxation.

雅思口语话题Part3范文:Describe an invention that changed the world

雅思口语Part3参考范文:Describe an invention that changed the world

1. What do you think have been some of the most important inventions in the past 100 years or so? 你认为过去100年中最重要的发明是什么?

Oh, I have no doubt that the inventions that have significantly improved people's lives in the past century are a computer, a smartphone and the Internet. All of them have greatly simplified all spheres of human life and brought about a lot of new opportunities. For example, thanks to computers people have managed to speed up business operations, organize all of their information in a very accessible manner and become more efficient and productive saving their valuable time in the office. The Internet has provided people with a chance to have instant communication with anyone in the world, get instant access to an endless supply of knowledge and entertainment and the ability to work from home or have a virtual office. A smartphone has united all the devices needed for daily business and pleasure such as a GPS receiver and a camera as well as provided people with Internet access wherever there is cellular coverage letting them tackle different issues on the go. Frankly speaking, I even can't imagine present-day life without these inventions.

2. Why do you think some inventions have not been successful in the marketplace? 为什么你认为有些发明没有成功投入市场?

Oh, I guess there can be a variety of explanations for this. For example, a failure to understand customer needs or targeting the wrong market. I mean launching some products or services with the same characteristics as the ones already used by customers and failing to offer any reasons for customers to switch. I can also name incorrect pricing as the reason for fiasco in the marketplace, oh, and a lack of internet capabilities which will 100% lead to hindrances in satisfying end-users.

3. Do you think it's good that new inventions are appearing so often? 你认为新发明经常出现时一件好事吗?

Why not? I guess it's not bad for sure. New inventions make our life easier, more interesting and more comfortable, help us accomplish specific tasks. save our time and money and always try to meet our growing needs. Sometimes things that were invented yesterday fall into oblivion today because of changes happening in our lifestyle and work processes, so frequent appearance of inventions is a necessity which helps us get adapted to changes happening in our way of life. All in all, the main goal invention is to simplify our life in different ways, which proves their need and the fact that their frequent appearance is good.

4. Do you think there will be any negative effects resulting from future technology? 你认为未来科技有什么消极作用吗?

Well, unfortunately, there are always two sides of the same coin, and future technology is not an exception. The main thing is not to let the negative outcomes outweigh the positive ones as it will lead to a real disaster. All the rest is in human hands, to my mind. So, what's the worst that could happen resulting from future technology? Well, human unemployment may increase as robots may substitute for humans in manufacturing and production. I also guess future inventions may exacerbate environmental problems and even wipe out a huge portion human race which can happen, let in case of developing super-germs with a help of genetic engineering. And the last risk factor that comes to my mind alterations in cognitive and social development in cognitive and social development of future generations with a risk of becoming increasingly detached from nature and society and enjoying a solitary life.


