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1. 观点评论阐述


2. 提出建议练习


3. 热门话题训练



问题 职业运动员和演员拿到几百万美金的工作报酬时,有人觉得他们拿得太多了。


- train and work hard

- support many business

- risk injury and career loss


- other profession more important

- other create the star

- talent not unique

Topic sentence

- Entertainers and athletes rely on talents that not everyone has and so I agree that they deserve their high salaries.

Supporting sentences

- Not only are they talented, but also they have often spent most of their lives preparing for their roles.

- Dedication also helps many other people around them make money.

- They risk injuries such as loss of voice or damage to their bodies that shorten careers.

Closing sentence (optional)

- Since their talent contributes to economic success of so many businesses, I do not believe their high salaries are out of line.

Entertainers and athletes rely on their talents that not everyone has and so I agree with that they deserve their high salaries. Not only are they talented, but also they have often spent most of their lives preparing for their roles. For example, athletes train their sport skills and keep fit. Entertainers must constantly train their voices, acting technique or musical talent. Their dedication also helps many other people around them make money. Their name sells ticket in places they perform, products they sell and endorse. After all, they risk injuries such as loss of voice of damage to their bodies that shorten careers. Since their talent contributes to economic success of so many businesses, I do not believe their high salaries are out of line.

问题 人们对动物园用途有不同看法,有的人觉得动物园没有什么实用价值。


- Expensive facility

- Unnatural for animals

- Weaken animals


- educates

- protects animals

- entertains

Topic sentence

- I disagree with the notion of zoos not serving a useful purpose.

Supporting sentences

- They serve very important functions in educating people about animals

- Zoos protect and take care of animals

- Zoos are fun for families to visit together.

Closing sentence (optional)

- In conclusion, zoos protect animals and provide an opportunity to educate and entertain the public.

I disagree with the notion of zoos not serving a useful purpose. In fact, they serve very important functions in educating people about animals they might never see otherwise. As most people live in cities, this is the only way to see and learn about animals. Some animals, such as pandas and certain monkeys, are endangered species. In the zoo trained zookeepers take care of them. While they live safely and breed, scientist can study them and find solutions to problem in the animals’ natural environment. Additionally, zoos are fun for families to visit together. In conclusion, zoos protect animals and provide an opportunity to educate and entertain the public.


Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。

Gild the lily. 画蛇添足。

I’ll be seeing you. 再见。

I wonder if you can give me a lift? 能让我搭一程吗?

I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂静。


Any urgent thing? 有急事吗?

Don’t over do it. 别太过分了。

Can you dig it? 你搞明白了吗?

What if I go for you? 我替你去怎么样?

Who wants? 谁稀罕?


The TOEFL iBT Speaking section is designed to evaluate the English speaking proficiency of students whose native language is not English but who want to pursue undergraduate or graduate study in an English-speaking context.

Like all the other sections of the TOEFL iBT, the Speaking section is delivered via computer. In the Speaking section you will be asked to speak on a variety of topics that draw on personal experience, campus-based situations, and academic-type content material.

There are six questions. The first two questions are called Independent Speaking Tasks because they require you to draw entirely on your own ideas, opinions, and experiences when responding.

The other four questions are Integrated Speaking Tasks. In these tasks you will listen to a conversation or to an excerpt from a lecture, or read a passage and then listen to a brief discussion or lecture excerpt, before you are asked the question.

These questions are called Integrated Tasks because they require that you integrate your English language skills — listening and speaking, or listening, reading, and speaking. In responding to these questions, you will be asked to base your spoken response on the information in the listening passage or on both the listening passage and the reading passage together.

As the third section of the exam, the Speaking Section of the TOEFL iBT follows a mandatory 10-minute break after the Listening Section, so you should be relaxed when you get to this portion. To perform well it, you must be able to generate ideas quickly, listen and read actively, record notes efficiently, speak clearly and logically from fragmented notes, and accurately summarize passages in your own words.



在电脑上考口语和一般的口语测试之间的最大区别在于:你必须习惯对着麦克风讲话,并注意要把自己的声音投射出去(project your voice),而不是像平时说话那样把声音闷在喉咙口。为了达到这种效果,朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生在讲话的时候,把自己想象成电台的播音员或者音乐DJ,非常enjoyable地把自己的独特声线向外传播。

虽然话题的种类较多,但新托福口语考题可大致分为三类:一、个人观点及经验;二、大学校园场景;三、学术讲座内容。在总共的六道题中,Task 1 和Task 2考个人观点及经验;Task 3和Task 5考大学校园场景;Task 4和Task 6考学术讲座内容。

刚才是按照题目的内容来分,但如果按题目的性质去分的话,Task 1和Task 2属于Independent Speaking Tasks(独立口语命题),即不需要你做阅读或听录音,直接上来就讲,而且讲话内容仅涉及你的个人经验及观点。

从Task 3到Task 6,这四道题被称为Integrated Speaking Tasks(综合口语命题),这类考题就必须先读一段文字,或听一段录音(录音内容可以是conversation,也可以是lecture),甚至既读又听,然后结合reading and/or listening再去讲。综合口语命题有效地把听、读、说三项技能结合起来,体现出现代英语口语考试的一个新方向。

u 在新托福考试流程中,口语是第三门考试,与之前的听力考试间隔10分钟的休息时间,因此考生应带着较为轻松的心情上场。想要出色发挥,官方建议考生重点培养以下五大本领:







