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雅思口语的各部分话题常年保持稳定。虽然每季度都有新话题出现,但是一些基本的话题和题型,下面小编就和大家分享 搞定那些雅思口语中长青的话题,来欣赏一下吧。

以多变应不变 搞定那些雅思口语中长青的话题


老套素材:basketball, running

新素材: skating (winter sports, cool, elegant, art, dance), play the pool(a good way to socialize, use tactics and strategies, snooker), yoga (improve flexibility, strength and concentration)

许多备考学生在回答和体育运动有关的问题时,第一反应往往是basketball,football (男生),或是running(女生),然后找出一系列类似exciting,playground,after school,healthy, stronger等等理由。



老套素材:subway, which is very convenient

新素材:bus (enjoy the view along the road), train (better than airplane, because it‘s more punctual), motorcycle/scoot (fast, cool, faster than riding bicycle)


但如果大家可以另辟蹊径地给出一些不一样的回答就会使得自己的内容看上去很别致新颖。比如bus,你可以欣赏沿途的风光,甚至可以扯到bus也是一个城市的文化和象征(culture, symbol),比如伦敦的双层巴士。同样,在谈及交通出行时,也未必一定要说airplane好,快,方便,其实最近airplane经常晚点(delay),但是高铁,bullet train却相对而言更为快捷切准时(punctual, on time),甚至可以扯到春运等,这样你的素材就极为与众不同切新颖别致。

话题三:cellphone (What do you use cellphone for?)

老套素材:watch movies, play games, send messages through cellphone

新颖素材:navigate (find my way back home, map application, locate yourself),listen to the radio (online radio programmes), alarm clock (wake me up in themorning, check what time is it)

cellphone, computer, internet是雅思口语中三大高科技类话题。可能是由于国内在线影视的迅猛发展以及对于英剧美剧的热爱,使得大家在回答这个问题时,第一反应便是看视频,打游戏。

其实手机可以有很多功能,尤其是智能手机(smartphone),比如你在一个城市里迷路了可以用地图应用来导航(navigate, locate yourself, find nearest restaurant),查找周边好玩的地方等等。另外也可以用手机时钟来设定闹钟(alarmclock),或是使用calender来设置一些提醒事项(remind me of some important issues)。大家可以把手机语言设置成英文自己看看各个菜单功能,或许可以得到提高和收获。这些表达其实都不难,但却很生活化,很不一样。

话题四:city / hometown

老套素材:transportation is very good, environment is not good

新颖素材:old town with a long history, well healthcare support / social welfare, better educational resources, the city is lively and dynamic, offer more opportunities for young generation

作为雅思口语的开篇话题,hometown其实是除了介绍自己状况之外,学生最应该也是最有必要准备好的话题。但很可惜,来自全国各地,拥有不同风情文化城市的各位考生们,却在回答城市主题问题时,一直局限在说自己城市very beautiful,或是transportation is not good, traffic jam等等。beautiful是个很笼统的词,而交通问题世界上任何城市都有,因此考官听到这些毫无新意的表达肯定会打不起精神。

但如果你可以说的比较别致一些,大城市的话用lively, dynamic, challenging等富有活力的词汇去形容,古老的小城镇则可以强调其宁静祥和(peaceful and tranquil),人们保留了传统的生活方式等,另外在比较大城市和小村庄之差异时,可以比较具有深度地提到医疗保障,health care insurance,就业机会job opportunities,而不是一直陈词滥调地提transport, environment,或许可以给你加分。

话题五:park / garden

老套素材:relax in the garden, do sports in the park

新颖素材:observe different sort of plants (for children), enjoy afternoon tea/ hot beverage in the garden, play skateboard and fly kites in the park, have family parties/picnic in the park, touch the nature

park和garden是大自然和户外话题。但说到户外活动或是接触自然的好处,大部分学生想到的还是relax这个词,或是很笼统地来一句do sports。建议大家细腻一些,比如garden,你可以说enjoy afternoon tea and read magazine,描绘出一幅休闲午后的摸样,甚至可以把sunshine, pets等元素加入进来,也可以用来应对其他话题卡。另外说到公园活动时,除了relax, leisure等,可以细腻丰富地说年轻人玩滑板(skateboard),老年人下棋,唱京剧等,这些很丰富饱满,富有中国文化特质的内容,肯定会是考官印象深刻。



Describe an article you read from internet or magazines about healthy life

You should say:

what the article was about

where you read it (which magazine or website)

and explain what you learned/thought from the article


Recently I came across an interesting article on the internet about the benefits of drinkingwarm water with lemon in the morning. The website name is bodyandsoul.com.au.

You would normally think that lemon water is just one kind of drink that helps keep your body hydrated, however, it brings you many other benefits that you can‟t imagine. – The article says that if you build up a habit of kicking off your day with a glass of warm waterwith the juice of half a lemon, you will do your body and mind a great favor.

Firstly, lemon juice is a great source of Vitamin C, thus it helps boost your immune system in fighting off colds and flu. Moreover, lemons are great for combating skin ageing because they are rich in antioxidant properties. Lemon also helps clean our urinary tract and detoxify our livers. The list of benefits doesn‟t end there. The high level of potassium in lemons can helpbrain and nerve functioning and control blood pressure. Lemon water can also ward offstress and depression, which have been linked to low levels of potassium. As a result, the article suggests if you continue drinking warm water with lemon first thing in the morningfor at least 21 consecutive days, you will notice the difference in your skin and general healthimmediately.


Describe an important letter that you received.

You should say:

who wrote it

what the letter was about

how you felt about the letter

and explain why it was important.


Ok, well I suppose one of the most important letters I’ve received was an offer letter from a university I applied to – Leeds University, to be precise – so that’s what I think I’ll talk about.

And as for who the letter was from, well, I can't quite remember the name of the actual person who wrote it, I’m afraid, but if I’m not mistaken, it was sent by the university admissions office, who I guess are responsible for handling such matters.

Anyway, regarding what the letter was about, well basically, it was just informing me that I had been accepted onto their Master’s program in Finance, so it was really great news for me, because this was the course that I most wanted to study, and out of all the various universities that I applied to, Leeds was definitely top of my list, as it was the one that most appealed to me, in terms of both the course content and social life.

So, as you can imagine, I was over the moon after receiving the offer. I mean, it felt like all the years of hard work I’ve put into my studies seemed to have finally paid off, so it was like a dream come true for me, it really was.

And finally then, with regard to why this letter was important, well, I think it goes without saying that it was extremely important, because essentially, it means that I’m gonna be able to study abroad, which I’m sure will have a huge impact on my future career, as it will hopefully enable me to apply for jobs which I wouldn’t have otherwise been considered for.

And as well as this, I reckon that studying abroad will help me become more mature and independent, which I’ve noticed has happened with a few of my friends who have spent some time abroad, and I’m sure this’ll have a positive effect on my life in general.

So it’s a big opportunity for me, and I’m really looking forward to it!


