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雅思阅读填空题的不同类型对于字数可能会有不同的要求,我们经常会看到题目中有关于字数要求,比如只写一个词(one word only)、不要多于两个词(no more than two words)和不多于三个词(no more than three words)。很多同学都了解雅思阅读填空题是有字数要求的,但是考试的时候就是不细心,要求只写一个词却写了俩,要求不要多于两个词却纠结许久只敢写一个单词……所以大家在做雅思阅读填空题的时候一定要看清楚题目要求再开始做题,不要直接跟着感觉来写。




The government says undergraduate numbers have 'returned to record levels'.


There was a 17% fall in the number of first year undergraduates at UK universities in the first year of higher tuition fees, official figures show.


In 2012-13 UK universities were allowed to treble their yearly fees to £9,000.


England saw a 12% fall in new full-time undergraduate students overall.


The government acknowledged the fall but stressed that demand for full time higher education has already "returned to record levels".


A spokesperson for Department for Business, Innovation and Skills said the figures were influenced by a higher number of students taking up places the previous year, rather than having a gap year.


"A reduction in entrants in 2012 was well documented and the numbers were affected by the significant number of students who opted not to defer their place from the year before," she said.


'Direct consequence'


The decline had not continued into the current year, she added.


"Application rates for some of the most disadvantaged young people have risen to an all time high in England and more students than ever before are being successful in securing a place at their first choice institution."


The figures, collated by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (Hesa), are official confirmation of other indications that there was a fall in the number of people going to university last year.


Previously released figures had shown declines in applications and offers of places, and the admissions body Ucas also reported a fall.


In Scotland, where the government still pays for the tuition of Scottish students studying within the country, there was a 2% rise in the number of students taking up places on full-time undergraduate courses.


The academics' union, UCU, however, said the overall decline was a direct consequence of the rise in tuition fees.The union's general secretary, Sally Hunt, said it was "no great surprise that the number of students going to university fell off considerably".


She also believes there may be long-term effects.


"Only the government seemed to think the policy was progressive and, while we have seen a recovery in the number of people applying to university, the fear remains that some may never fulfil their potential because of the new funding regime," she added.


The Hesa figures also show a one per cent decline in non-EU students coming to the UK to study.


A rise in the numbers of students from China and Hong Kong was off-set by a 25% fall in Indian students.


It has previously been suggested they are being put off from the expense of study in the UK by a fall in the value of the rupee, and by improvements in Indian universities.



Cambridge 4 TEST 2

1. initiative=on your own/by yourself=independently=on your own initiative=under your own steam=to be the person who starts something=plan=law主动的,自发的adj. 主动权n.

2. increase=go up=rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=pick up=widen=be on the increase=intensify=expand=build up上升,增加v.

3. teach=educate=train=coach=instruct=bring up教学v.

4. more than one language=bilingual=sb's second language多种语言n.

5. determine=establish=identify=pinpoint=diagnose 决定v.

6. young people=teenager=youth=in your teens=adolescent=minor年轻人n.

7. community=all the people in a particular area, city, country etc.群体,团体,社区n.

8. traditional=old-fashioned=outdated=outmoded=unfashionable传统的adj.

9. fail=failure=not succeed=unsuccessful=vain=fruitless=unproductive=be a failure=go wrong=not work=do no good=fall through失败v.

10. endanger=to put someone or something in danger of being hurt=damaged=destroyed危及,使危险v.

11. diverse=varied=variety=wide-ranging=mixed各种各样的adj.

12. inevitable=certain to happen and impossible to avoid不可避免的adj.

13. differ from=unusual与…不同v.

14. reluctant=unwilling=not willing=drag your feet=be loath to do something=conservative勉强的adj.

15. consult=ask somebody's advice=seek advice=get/obtain advice资询v.

16. alternative=another=other=different=new=else=variation=variant另一个

17. therapist=someone who has been trained to give a particular form of treatment for physical or mental illness临床医学家n.

18. retrain=taking courses再教育v.

19. salary=pay=wage=income=earnings=fee工资,收入n.

20. long-term=chronic=long-running=long-standing=lasting=lifelong=prolonged=lingering=enduring=abiding=incurable长期的adj.

21. complaint=complain=make a complaint=protest=object=complain抱怨n.

22. illness=disease=virus=bug=infection疾病 n.

23. connection=relationship=link=correlation联系 n.

24. beneficial=be good for you/ do somebody good=wholesome=nutritious=nourishing=healthful有益的 adj.

25. insight=comprehension=understanding理解,见解 n.

26. physical=relating to the body=bodily身体的 adj.

27. hazard=risk=danger=threat障碍,危险n.

28. accompany=with=together=along with=come wit陪伴,伴随

29. mental=relating to the health or state of someone's mind精神上的,心理的 adj.

30. possible=possibility=can=potential=there is a chance/possibility可能的adj.

31. reduction=decrease=drop=fall=cut 减少 n.

32. class=type=kind=sort=style=category=variety种类n.

33. rehearsal=practice=training=run-through=exercise排练,演习 n.

34. peer=your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc同伴 n.

35. defensive=used or intended to protect someone or something against attack 防御n.

36. strategy=way=method=approach=technique=system=tactics 方法,功略n.

37. assist=help=aid=with the aid of帮助 v.

38. specific=give (somebody) more details=expand on=enlarge on=go into more=greater detail=be more specific=be more explicit=elaborate特定的adj.

39. substance=a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas 物质 n.

40. surroundings=environment=circumstance 环境 n.

41. engage=give somebody a job=employ=take on=appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣 v.

42. combine=mix=stir=beat=blend=whisk=dilute联合v.

43. survival=the state of continuing to live or exist幸存n.


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