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1. 青少年犯罪

母题:In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers be punished? (100804)

提示:青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 产生的原因及其解决方法。可从家庭、社会、媒体三个角度分析。


2. 犯罪预防

母题:Unlike in most other countries, police in the UK do not commonly carry guns. Some people think it leaves citizens unprotected. But others think it reduces the overall violence in our society. Discuss both sides of the view and give your opinion. (040320, 040619)



3. 罪犯惩处

母题:Sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with them. Education and job training are better ways to help them. Do you agree or disagree? (050618, 080918)

提示:其实囚禁imprisonment和再教育都是一种让囚犯改造rehabilitate的方法。还有community service对于轻犯和初犯都是一种不错的惩处方式。




作为新东方的VIP雅思写作老师,我的学生主要是高中生和大学生。在雅思写作的备考过程中,高中生具有自己的优劣势。一方面,他们的英语还‘热乎’ 着,不像大三大四的学生,英语已经‘凉’了几年了。而且,他们还处于高考备战的状态,能适应高强度的学习,而大学生早已经习惯了晚上不睡,早上不起的生活状态。但是另一方面,高中生由于多年来一心只读圣贤书,对社会问题缺少关注和思考,因此对雅思写作的题目比较茫然。针对这些特点,以及高中生普遍遭遇的如下问题,提出最有针对性的备考策略:

1 老师我基础弱,写作该从哪儿开始学起呢?

2 我的目标是6分,需要多长时间才能达到呢?

3 老师,市场上有很多雅思写作的书,我应该参考哪一本?

4 我该报哪个培训班?基础还是强化?

4 我什么时候安排考试比较合适?考几次?




暑假的密集基础课程结束后在家里温习一段时间,做完老师布置的作业,打扎实基础。注意这个时候不要参加考试,因为基础课程主要不是针对考试,而是针对语言。等基础夯实之后,9月份再报一个强化班。这个班主要训练考试技能,针对性比较强。强化班结课后也要消化一段时间。最后用剑桥的真题做模拟考试,当结果和预期的分数相差不大的时候,就可以报名考试了。这个阶段使用的教材我推荐《Get Ready For IELTS》。这本书是针对基础较弱的同学设计的雅思教材,其中写作部分在训练写作技能的同时也设计了语言语法训练,练习比较多,适合基础弱,时间紧的学生。

雅思写作范文之my favourite magazine

雅思写作范文:my favourite magazine

What`s your favorite magazine? Mine is easily teen vogue (even though I also subscribe to Lucky, seventeen and instyle). I love love love their fashion spreads, celebrity interviews, articles and just the whole thing. It`s a treat to get in the mail each month. On a different note I`m very interested in signing up for WWD (women`s wear daily) it`s a fashion newspaper that`s delivered to your house 5 times a week (it`s not like a magazine though, it covers the busniess aspect of fashion). It sounds really cool.

To be honest, my first magazine was probably Highlights, a kids magazine that taught me about animals and letters and seemed to always have a hot air balloon, or something of the sort, on the cover. From there, I moved on to whatever my mom kept in the bathroom, primarily Reader's Digest, which sucked me in with its "Drama in Real Life" feature and the jokes used as space-fillers after articles. As I grew older and had my choice in magazines, I began reading RELEVANT magazine, GOOD, Paste magazine and Real Simple.

After reading plenty of national magazines and working for local ones, my consistent favorite is Real Simple magazine. It's simple. Really. Every time I get it in the mail, it sits on our kitchen table for a couple of days before I have time to even open it, and I just admire the cover. I can't think of another magazine with the ability to make me giddy month after month just by gazing at that cover. Maybe it's a vintage chair by a hanging red dress in a perfectly organized closet. Perhaps it's a shoe–just one shoe–and a handbag. Whatever it may display on a given month, the cover of Real Simple is always stunning.

And it doesn't end there. Once I'm thoroughly entranced by the front and finished impatiently waiting for an available moment, I actually get to enjoy the magazine cover-to-cover. I love the tidbits and tips that make me smile and then make my life a little easier. Really? I can store my jewelry in an ice cube tray? I can take a scratch out of a wood floor by rubbing a walnut over it, releasing its natural oils? Thank you, Real Simple. Thank you very much.


