Exhaustion: extreme weariness Exhaustive: covering all possibilities
Exonerate: 证明无罪 Exorable:可说服的,心软的
Fortuitous: accidental Fortitude: strength
Forfeit: 丧失 Surfeit:饮食过度
Fomentation:煽动,助长 Fermentation:发酵
Flounder: proceed clumsily Founder: collapse
Fractious: 易怒的,好争吵的, hard to handle or control Fractional:部分的,碎片的 Factious: 有派性的 Factitious:人为的,不真实的 Facetious:轻浮的
Fetid: having an offensive smell stinking Fetish: 神物
Fantasy: imaginative fiction Fascinate: be irresistibly attractive
Flush: to pour liquid over or through Fluster: upset
Gouge: 半圆凿,敲竹杠 Gauche:笨拙的,不会社交的 Gauge:标准尺寸
Gravel:碎石 Grovel:摇尾乞怜的 Gavel:a mallet used for commanding attention Grove: a small wood
Grate: to grind or rub against with a rasping noise Grateful thankful; pleasing Gratify: to afford pleasure to Gratis: without charge or recompense Gratuitous: free charge; unwarranted Gratitude: thankfulness
Gamble: 赌博,投机 Gable:山墙 Gambol:跳跃,嬉戏 Gobble: to swallow or eat greedily
Gall: vex, harass Gulled: deceive Guile: duplicity Guilt: 罪
Gloss:光泽 Gross:总的,粗野的,整体的
Hypnosis; 催眠术 Hypothesis:假说
Histrionics:演戏 Histology:组织学
Homely:长相一般的 Homily:a lecture of a moral theme
Hypercritical :meticulously or excessively critical Hypocritical :not sincerely
Halo:光圈 Hale: health, sound ,free from defect, disease
Incision: a cut Incite: start up, stir up
Impassioned:感激的,慷慨激昂的 Impassive:不为所动的
Imminence:急迫的 Eminence;卓越的
Ingrate:忘恩负义的 Ingratiate:逢迎,讨好
Insurrection:造反,叛乱 Resurrection:复活
leach v. 过滤
breach v. 毁坏;违反
preach n./v. 布道;说教
impeach v. 指责;弹劾
peach v. 告密 n. 桃子
boisterous a. 喧闹的;狂暴的
cloister n. 修道院
bolster n. 枕垫 v. 支持,鼓励
holster n. 手枪皮套
bower n. 亭子
bowman n. 弓箭手
archer n. 射手
bridle n. 马笼头 v. 抑制
bride n. 新娘
brink n. 边缘,边沿
blink v. 眨眼
buckle n. 皮带扣换 v. 扣紧
bucket n. 桶
buggy n. 轻型马车;婴儿车
lullaby n. 摇篮曲
bulge v. 膨胀,上涨
bugle n. 喇叭,号角
bumble v. 说话含糊;弄糟
fumble v. 摸索,搜寻
humble a. 卑微的,低声下气的 v. 使卑微
bypass n. 旁路 v. 规避
bygone a. 过去的,昔日的
cabin n. 小屋,客舱
cabinet n. 橱柜;内阁
calculating a. 深谋远虑的,精明的
shrewd a. 判断敏捷的,精明的
provident a. 深谋远虑的;节俭的
measured a. 精确的;慎重的
hardheaded a. 现实的,精明的
canary n. 金丝雀;女歌星
granary n. 谷仓
canine a. (似)犬的
feline a. 猫科的
bovine a. (似)牛的;迟钝的
swine n. 猪
swan n. 天鹅 v. 闲逛
aquiline a. (似)鹰的
equitation n. 骑马,骑术
canter n./v. 慢跑
cater v. 提供食物;迎合
carnage n. 大屠杀
carrion n. 腐肉
carnation n. 康乃馨
carnival n. 狂欢节
carnivore n. 食肉动物
cascade n. 小瀑布
escalate v. 升级,扩大
ecstasy n. 狂喜,心醉神迷
cast n. 演员阵容 v. 扔;铸造
caste n. 社会等级
castle n. 城堡
catalysis n. 催化作用
cataclysm n. 剧变,灾难(常指大洪水或地震)
cavalry n. 骑兵部队
revelry n. 狂欢
reverie n. 幻想,梦幻曲
cavern n. 大洞穴
craven n. 懦夫 a. 怯懦的
crave v. 渴望;恳求
celibacy n. 独身
celerity n. 快速,敏捷
celebrity n. 名声;名人
celibate n. 独身者 a. 独身的
cerebrum n. 大脑
censorious a. 吹毛求疵的,挑剔的
censure n./v. 责难,非难
所有英文解释均来自M-W词典 abode: to continue in a place; tolerate. Adobe: a brick or building material
abjure: reject solemnly; to abstain from adjure: urge or advice earnestly.
abeyance: suspension. Observance: 遵守。
advent: arrival advert: refer (to )
affected: artificially assumed to impress others affecting: arousing pity, sympathy or sorrow
aloft: in the air aloof: removed or distant either physically or emotionally
allay: calm, pacify. Alley: a narrow passageway esp. between building. Ally: associate. Alloy: 合金
allude: to refer indirectly allure: charm, entice
amenity: convenience , enjoyment amiability amnesty: 大赦 animation: vivacity, liveliness animosity: ill will, resentment
amoral: being neither moral or immoral immoral: not moral.
anemia: 贫血 insomnia:失眠症 amnesia:健忘症
Annals:纪年表 annul: declare or make legally invalid
anxious: worried; earnestly wishing anxiety: painful uneasiness; abnormal apprehension
Apathetic:冷漠的 antipathetic:引起反感的
Apocalyptic:预示灾祸的,启示的 apocrypha:伪经,伪书
Appreciable:可以察觉的,可估计的 apprehensible:可理解的 apprehensive:不安的,焦虑的,能领悟的 appreciative:感激的,有鉴赏力的
Approbation:称赞。 opprobrium:恶名声,侮辱
apparel: clothe adorn apparition: a supernatural appearance ghost
appraise: set a value on apprise: give notice to approve: express a favorable opinion
Arbiter: one having power to decide. Arbitrator: one chosen to settle differences between two parties in a controversy.
Aspiration:渴望,热望 respiration:呼吸 perspiration:出汗
assist: help, aid resist: to fight against, oppose; combat, repel.
attribute: 归因为 contribute:贡献,投稿
brisk: 轻快 bristle: 硬毛,气势汹汹
barter: 物物交换 banter: speak to or address in a witty and teasing manner.
blight: withered, blast blithe: merry.
brazen : blatant blazon: armorial bearings; publish widely
blunder: a gross error blunt: not sharp, dull
brittle: easily broken, cracked, or snapped bristle: to take on an aggressive attitude or appearance (as in response to a slight)
boom: to make a deep hollow sound; to grow or cause to grow rapidly esp. in value, esteem, or importance. Boon: benefit, blessing
Calumniate: defame, malign libel Culmination: reach the highest point Fulmination: 攻击,指责
Canvas:油布 Canvass: to seek orders or votes: solicit
Cataclysm: a violent change or upheaval Catalysis: 加速
Cessation:终止,(短暂)停止] Cession:割让,转让 Concession:让步,特许权 Secession:脱离,退出
Cater:迎合,承办 crater:火山口,弹坑
Circumscribe:限制 Proscribe:禁止 Compass: an enclose space Compassion: pity
Competent:胜任的,有资格的 contentious:引起争议的
Contiguous: being in contact Contingent: possible; happening by chance conditional
Consensus:全体意见一致 Censure:责难
Conversant: 精通 Convergent:会聚的
Confluence: the meeting of two or more streams Influence:影响 Refluence:逆流
Consign:托运 Resign:辞职
Crate:板条箱 Crave:渴望得到 Craven:胆怯的
Crayon:彩色笔;粉笔或其绘画 Canyon:峡谷
Cozen: chest, defraud Cozy: snug, comfortable GRE考试形式:中国大陆地区、香港、澳门、韩国目前执行分开考试的形式。由机考(分析性写作)和笔试(语文、数学)组成。