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托福听力提升视频素材之 TED

TED,全名Technology, Entertainment, and Design,是一台在全世界范围内展开的演讲栏目。演讲嘉宾为各行各业的顶尖人物,从维基百科创始人,到非洲女性作家,到触屏技术的创新者,到思考数学教育方法的高中教师,到研究集体行动的经济学家。他们代表了人类挑战自我的前沿,内容包括教育文化科技艺术所有领域的创新。


针对托福听力涵盖面甚广的情况,考生想要面面俱到其实是强人所难,况且这也并非托福考试的本意。考试内容其实只是常识领域(common sense),所以考生大可不必抱起百科全书的大部头从地壳形成、恐龙诞生一直看到后现代艺术。



托福听力提升视频素材之 网络公开课





The first life on Earth appeared about four billion years ago. One place these pioneering organisms may have emerged is at hydrothermal vents, deep underwater. Where unusual chemistry provided energy for primitive life-forms to survive. Life-forms like the methane-belching microbes found at the vents today.

Now, for the first time, researchers have found evidence of methane-producing life in similarly extreme conditions, but at the surface of the Earth — at a spring in northern California, called The Cedars. The water there is extremely basic — with a pH of 11.6. And it contains no oxygen. Not an easy place to survive.

Researchers tested water and sediment at the Cedars. Some samples got dosed with mercuric chloride to kill any life present. Those dosed samples produced no methane. But the samples in which microbes were allowed to survive did put out methane. Confirming that at least some of the methane at the springs is indeed biological in origin. The findings appear in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

The finding has implications for climate change alleviation. A geologically similar spring in Oman has been proposed as a site for carbon storage—pumping CO2 underground, where it gets incorporated in stone. But the extremophiles at The Cedars can use CO2 to make methane—an even more potent greenhouse gas. "So imagine pumping CO2 into the ground and having it come back up as methane." Penny Morrill, a biogeochemist at Memorial University of Newfoundland. "This will not necessarily happen, but it is something to be tested for before fully implementing a carbon capture and storage technology at one of these types of sites."

Morrill says the study's also a reminder that life is tenacious. "We should not let our biases prevent us from looking for evidence of life in what we would otherwise consider an unexpected place." Including other planets and moons.







1. for the first time 首次;第一次;

例句:For the first time luck hooked onto me.


2. at least 至少,起码;

例句:At least this second meeting had helped to thaw the atmosphere.


3. prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止;制止;阻碍;

例句:Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.


4. look for 寻找,寻求,谋求(解决方案或新的方法);

例句:The working group will be looking for practical solutions to the problems faced by doctors.



Let's say your diet has been not so great.

Maybe too much red meat, especially processed meat.

Maybe too many sugary soft drinks.

And maybe you've been eating like that for decades.

So what's the point of trying to make some healthful changes now, after the damage has presumably been done?

“It is impressive that changes even very late in life,such as even being older and having a heart attack, a dietary change can within a matter of a few months drop our risk greatly of a recurrent heart attack or death.”

Walter Willett. He chairs the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.

He spoke at a January 15th forum on Cancer and Diet that wound up touching on diet and health in general.

“So it's never too late to make important changes.

For diabetes also, if we change our diet almost immediately our risk of diabetes goes down.

But that's not to say you just should just wait till you're old to start living a healthy life.

We're seeing in some studies now that what women ate as adolescents, especially if they ate a lot more red meat, that affected breast cancer risk later in their life.

So it's definitely important if you want the healthiest overall life is to start a healthy lifestyle early.

But if you've sort of ignored things it's never too late to still get some benefit.”

The entire hour-long forum featuring Willett and other researchers discussing diet and health is archived on line.

Just google “Harvard public health forum”.

Let's say your diet has been not so great. 我们假设你的饮食习惯不是特别好的状况。

Maybe too much red meat, especially processed meat. 也许摄取太多的红肉,尤其是那些加工过的肉类。

Maybe too many sugary soft drinks. 也许还有很多含糖软饮料。

And maybe you've been eating like that for decades. 可能几十年来你一直都是这样的饮食习惯。

So what's the point of trying to make some healthful changes now, after the damage has presumably been done? 因此既然无形中已经养成这样的坏习惯对身体造成伤害,那现在尝试健康饮食的改变意义在哪里呢?

It is impressive that changes even very late in life, such as even being older and having a heart attack, 这样的改变在进入晚年后会产生重大的影响,比如随着岁月流逝身体负担越来越重并且有心脏病困扰,

a dietary change can within a matter of a few months drop our risk greatly of a recurrent heart attack or death. 改善饮食可以在数个月内大大降低心脏病复发或死亡的风险。

Walter Willett. He chairs the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. 哈佛大学公共卫生学院营养系主任沃尔特·维莱特说道。

He spoke at a January 15th forum on Cancer and Diet that wound up touching on diet and health in general. 在1月15日关注饮食与健康的癌症与饮食 论坛上他这样说道。

So it's never too late to make important changes.For diabetes also, if we change our diet almost immediately our risk of diabetes goes down. 因此亡羊补牢永远不晚。对于糖尿病而言也是如此,如果改变自己的饮食习惯,我们罹患糖尿病的风险会即刻降低。

But that's not to say you just should just wait till you're old to start living a healthy life. 但这并不表明你要等待老年后才要开始健康生活。

We're seeing in some studies now that what women ate as adolescents, especially if they ate a lot more red meat, that affected breast cancer risk later in their life. 通过一些研究,我们了解到一些女性在年轻时食用大量红肉,到了晚年就会增加患乳腺癌的风险。

So it's definitely important if you want the healthiest overall life is to start a healthy lifestyle early. 因此如果你想要健康,尽早开始健康的生活方式是绝对重要的。

But if you've sort of ignored things it's never too late to still get some benefit. 但如果你经常忽视,现在开始也不晚!

The entire hour-long forum featuring Willett and other researchers discussing diet and health is archived on line. 如想浏览维莱特和其他研究人员就饮食与健康方面的完整讨论内容,

Just google Harvard public health forum. 请在搜索引擎当中搜索关键字哈佛公共健康论坛即可。


