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The cycle of seasons is like a relay race. Spring girl took the baton from Grandpa Dong and came to the world.

Spring sunshine is the "signature dish" of spring girls. It is not as hot as summer, nor as bleak as autumn, nor as cold as winter. It always gives people a warm and refreshing feeling.

Besides sunshine, "migratory birds returning home" is also a major feature of spring! Every early spring, the returning migratory birds return to their hometown after a winter like a surging wave. They excitedly shout to each other, "We are back! We are back! "

Spring girl is a magician. She patted the earth with her "magic" hand, and the flowers and grass on the ground immediately opened their sleepy eyes and put on beautiful clothes; She patted the face of the sky again, and the white clouds and the sun also came from Allen Su; She waved her hand again, birds were singing, poplars and willows were stretching, and the world began to sing …

Flowers in spring are like going to a beauty contest. Look, look, golden primroses, pink peach blossoms and white pear blossoms attract a group of colorful butterflies. The blue sky reflects the green river, and the green willow trees swaying in the wind, like a girl dressing in front of the mirror, which is really a beautiful picture.

The cheerful spring rain also moistens the earth, and the mother of the earth wears a tender green skirt, while the forest stands naked, waiting for the clothes made by the spring girl for herself. But the tree's blood-sap has started to flow in their owners' bodies, and the branches began to swell. There are countless flowers and plants on the ground and branches.

Looking from a distance, several spring seedlings have grown in the black fields. As the saying goes, "A millet grows in spring, and ten thousand seeds are harvested in autumn." Busy peasant uncles are working hard on fertile land, preparing for the harvest in autumn.

Spring is colorful, beautiful and busy. The plan for a year lies in spring, and the plan for a lifetime lies in diligence. I want to seize the opportunity and thrive in this vibrant season.










Spring, like a beautiful little girl, came silently. My mother and I rented a car and rode to the gate of Honghua Lake. Cars and bicycles are divided into two streams, which flow like endless nets. Bicycles can't ride at all. We tread the drizzle and push heavy bicycles with our hands. It took me a lot of effort to push it up, and I was so tired that I was panting.

Rows of willow trees with her slim figure seem to meet us. Some trees use their leaves with the sound of "salsa" to accompany us. I watched the Honghua Lake while riding a bicycle. The water in Honghua Lake is so quiet that I can't feel it flowing. The water in Honghua Lake is so clear that you can see the sand at the bottom of the river swimming at will; The water in Honghua Lake is really green, and it seems like a flawless emerald; Suddenly, a small fish jumped out, breaking the silence just now, rippling out waves in the water and drilling back immediately. The willow tree is throwing her beautiful hair and performing for tourists. After Honghua Lake, there are rolling mountains, which are towering into the clouds and unconnected with each other. They are shrouded by white clouds in the sky, so they can't be seen clearly.

What caught my eye was a small pavilion. I walked over and there was a scarlet door in front. I walked up the stairs on both sides and could clearly see the water in Honghua Lake. I saw a flower beside Honghua Lake. When the breeze blows, azaleas dance in the sky like petals of fire. It's refreshing to meet the cool wind all the way.

We rode bicycles and looked at the beautiful scenery, as if entering a continuous picture scroll. This kind of water reflects this kind of mountain, and this kind of mountain surrounds this kind of water. In addition, there are misty clouds in the air and red flowers in the mountains, which really amazes you. I reluctantly left the vibrant Honghua Lake. Although I only walked for four kilometers, I will finish watching the panorama of Honghua Lake next time.






Spring came with life and hope, and she leaped over the mountains with light steps. Fly over the river. It's come a long way. She came to the field, which was covered with green new clothes; She came to the branches, and the branches grew green hair. In spring, like a pair of hands full of artistic inspiration, she silently painted beautiful pictures for people one after another.

Hearing the call of spring, the swallows with black and bright feathers, a pair of handsome and brisk wings and scissors-like tail hurried back from the south. They fly in the air, they cry on the branches and tell people in various ways that spring is coming!

Gradually, the grass is greener and the flowers are more numerous. In the garden, all kinds of flowers are eager to spread their smiling faces and dedicate their fragrance to spring selflessly.

Spring is coming, and birds are busy. They shuttle among branches and flowers, as if looking for their own inspiration to create new songs. Listen, some birds are singing together in the tree! Their singing attracted a few sparrows to talk incessantly, as if they were the main judges of the chorus.

The wicker by the river is green, and the long wicker hangs down from the branches and flutters in the wind, just like the long hair on the beautiful girl's head. They play happily with the small fish in the river. Sometimes when the wind blows, the wicker suddenly hits the water surface, which scares the small fish to hide under the water, and dares not show up for a long time. When the small fish showed up, Liuzhi nodded and apologized, making the fish's mouth spit blisters one by one.

Spring is coming. Frog, a high-pitched singer in the country, is not lonely either. He croakes in the fields and beside the pond all day, singing tirelessly.

Spring is coming, no matter where you go, we will have new discoveries and new surprises. As long as you have spring in your heart, spring will go with you.









The spring girl came again. She nursed us with sweet and moist milk. She came to the world with the birds and flowers all the way with light footsteps.

In spring, she is like a wizard, a messenger of spring. In the garden, she bloomed peach blossoms and made trees green. Before she knew it, the primrose bloomed, and the grass on the grass couldn't wait to drill out of the ground and grow tender new buds. Willow branches hang down like beautiful girls. However, they are all full of vigor and vitality under the moist of spring rain and the sun.

The lovely swallow dragged its scissors tail and flew back from the south. Their cheerful cry is like saying, "Spring is coming." Yes, "the plan of a year lies in spring." In the new season, the industrious peasant uncle is busy again. All of us have grown one year old in the new season, and we will compose our moving songs with sweat.

In the field, the green wheat seedlings wake up from their sleep, the green rice fields are like green blankets, and the golden rape is like a glittering golden flower. A small river flows slowly, as if enjoying the beautiful scenery. Not far away, several peach trees are in full bloom, and the pink petals are colorful and fragrant, as if they were sprinkled with many perfumes. Spring girl turns spring into a season of blooming flowers, a season of revival of all things, a season of warm climate, and a beautiful and charming season. How lovely spring is! It is gorgeous, sunny, green and fresh.

Spring is coming!







Spring girl came, and she came with the spring breeze.

Spring is coming, so are the swallows. Swallow is small and exquisite, just like a lovely little angel. It is so hardworking and always busy for life. The little frog was awakened by the spring breeze. He stretched out, drilled out of the ground, rubbed his eyes and said happily, "Spring has finally arrived, and I can play with my friends again." Then jump to the farmland.

Spring is coming, and peach blossoms are awakened by the spring breeze. Those peach blossoms are like a shy girl's face-pink, pink, how beautiful! The ancients said: "Flowers take the situation first, get their forms, and are naturally lively."

Spring is coming, and pear flowers are awakened by the spring breeze. Under the warm sunshine, Pear Blossom opened its smiling face against the breeze. Looking at pear flowers from a distance, it looks like a little white among thousands of trees. That white, white hazy, white, plain, clean and elegant, how like the snow falling all over the sky full of green trees! Look again! This pear flower is full of plants, and the flowers are crowded with each other, as if it were a fair. Look carefully again! The green leaves are as green as water, bright and transparent as green! How beautiful!

Spring is coming, and the fields are full of vitality everywhere. Farmers' uncles are busy, and some are sowing seeds; Some are ploughing fields; Others are weeding … Looking at their busy figures, we can imagine that they are full of hope and expectation for the future!

Spring has come, and the campus has become lively. Students enter the classroom one after another, pick up books and read aloud. The spring breeze blows the students' reading sounds all over the campus.

Spring is coming, and it brings hope to flowers and trees. It also brings us hope, especially the hope of farmers' uncles.









Spring is a wonderful poem. It is full of her shape, her color, her vigor and vitality, and all the wonderful things she has.

Spring is brand-new, because it has a childlike innocence.

Look! The sunshine filled every corner. Lovely swallows flew through the air. They flew back to the north in groups. People were moving around. Their faces flashed with the infinite beauty of spring. Their laughter wrote the vitality and vigor of spring.

If not, please follow me to the yard.

Have you ever observed the growth and change of grass? Turning over the snow, I have a lot of water in my hand, and the soil is loose. Look carefully! There are crimson heads sticking out on the land, which are grass. They are always like this when spring comes, and they will turn green slowly.

Listen! The gurgling of the pool is like singing a cheerful song. The morning birds are chirping like love words, and the children are talking happily. When they go to school, they enter the campus with little songs.

Smell it! Fragrant flowers send out a burst of fragrance, and get into your nostrils, so that your heart is deeply intoxicated. Walking on the road, you feel warm, your body has never been so comfortable, your feet are like stepping on cotton, and your body is gentle, as if flying.

Pedestrians are wearing less clothes, and the sun sends a message to people every day. They are all the same-spring is coming. People live in laughter all day.

We live in the beauty of spring, and we live in the sunshine of spring, always like this.

Spring is so beautiful, let's cherish every minute of spring life together! Enjoy the beautiful spring slowly.












★ 初中春天的作文500字五篇

★ 初二暑假英语日记作文7篇

★ 英语日记600字精选5篇

★ 日常生活英语日记

★ 2020春天来了初中作文5篇

★ 春天日记400字初中7篇

★ 2020春天来了初中作文800字5篇

★ 日记500字初中快乐的星期天5篇

★ 初中生优秀英语记叙文范文6篇

★ 初中九年级作文《春》500字【6篇】


