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幼儿英语教案第一篇:color the balloon

目标:1 体验学习英语的乐趣

2 认读第一课短句 color the balloon

今天啊罗老师受邀来给我们育苗幼儿园大班的小朋友们来上一节英语课 小朋友们开不开心啊?


Hello hello everybody


春天到了 天空蓝蓝(blue)的 小草也变成了绿绿(green)的 小花儿都开啦 咦!还有橘黄色(orange)的漂亮极啦! 熊先生对大家说我们去春游吧! Piggy cubby puppy 和bunny kitty都开心得跳了起来!

来到草地上 熊先生说 春天的颜色太美啦我们把他们涂到纸上吧!


Bunny说我最喜欢玩 气球(balloon) 啦我们画气球吧!大家都说我也喜欢我也喜欢!

熊先生拿出了一大张纸 ,不一会儿 气球就画好了 。Piggy问熊先生:"春天有些什么颜色呢? 熊先生指了指天空 大家看 !大家开心的说:春天是蓝色的(blue) 大家很快涂了一个蓝色的气球。涂完了bunny指着路边的花 大家看!春天的花是橘黄色的 我们再涂个橘黄色的气球吧!大家很快就涂完了。最后还剩一个气球cubby看了看脚下 草到了春天都变绿了 春天是绿色的 我们再涂个绿色的吧! 气球涂完了 大家抢着把自己画好的图给熊先生看 熊先生看完了很高兴说 大家都棒 找到了这么多春天的颜色! 故事讲完啦 我们的动物朋友们这么棒 那我们大班的小朋友是不是应该更棒啊?

2 今天罗老师给小朋友们带了礼物来 小朋友们都想不想要呀?

那罗老师让小朋友猜一猜是什么 气球(balloon)

嘴巴吹一吹 可以变大 挤一挤又会变小 可以飞上天 也可以拿在手里

谁猜到啦? 没有小朋友猜到就偷偷拿出来一下提示幼儿

玩个游戏 罗老师做大气球的动作 小朋友就大声念 罗老师做小气球的动作小朋友就小声念

3 学习新单词 颜色 (COLOR)

拿出礼物答对了罗老师的气球口令 的就可以领到礼物




1、复习购物架上所陈列实物的单词Daily Goods:mirror、comb、cup、soapFruit:apple、orange、banana、watermelon、pearDrink:milk、water、cola、juiceVegetable:tomato、potato、carrot、onion以及句型"this is……."2、学习句型"what do you want to buy?" "I want to buy……."3、给予幼儿信心,提高幼儿积极主动的开口说英语的能力,为以后学习英语打下基础。

五、活动准备:购物架、购物篮、各类实物、小奖励六、重难点:让幼儿明白句型"what do you want to buy?" "I want to but……."的意思和准确的发音,以及让幼儿主动开口参与情景对话。


(一)Warming up:

T: hello, Babies! Now! Let's call the roll.

Song:《where are you》

T: ------,------,where are you ?

C: Here I am, here I am, how are you?

T: I'm fine .thank you. ------,------,where are you?

C: Here I am, here I am, how are you?

T: I'm so good. Are you happy today?

(二)Presentation课堂呈现1、T: ok, Today, we came to a supermarket, There are many things we have learned. This is…….


2、shop assistant引出句型"what do you want to buy……?"S:Can I help you?

T: yes.

S: what do you want to buy……?

T: I want to buy a cola.

3、kids, what did she said? She said, what do you want to buy? Right?

Read after me, please! What do you want to buy? (反复教3次)老师提起篮子把买到的东西放到购物篮中。

Now, I want to buy a banana. (幼儿跟读)I want to buy a comb. (幼儿跟读)I want to buy a cup. (幼儿跟读)4. I need a shopper, who wants to try? Say let me try!

T: what do you want to buy?

C: I want to buy……. (如果幼儿不会说,老师要引导幼儿开口并给予鼓励)T: I need a shopper,and another kids ask her What do you want to buy? Who wants to be a shopper?

C: What do you want to buy?

C: I want to buy……. (其他幼儿跟读)5. Situational Dialogues:

Kids,can you buy things by yourself? Come on, don't be shy.

Say let me try.

请小朋友独自买东西并与shop assistant对话。

S: welcome on our market. Can I help you?

C: yes.

S: what do you want to buy?

C: I want to buy…….

S: here you are.

C: thanks.

T: anybody wants to try?

C: ……T: you will be a shopper. And you will be a shop assistant. Ok. Are you ready?






1、能够让幼儿认识健康的英语单词会读会说,知道一些健康的生活方式与习惯;2、培养幼儿对英语的兴趣,让幼儿主动并乐意参与英语活动中,学会模仿教师读英语,知道一些简单的关于养成健康生活习惯的英语表达;复习原来学过的"运动" ﹑"唱" ﹑"跳" ﹑"笑"的英语。




1、老师作自我介绍T:"hello evelyone,I'm JOJO,I'm very glad to be you English teacher ,now the class is begin ,are you ready?"T:大家好!我是你们的英语老师JOJO,很高兴能为大家上英语课。现在,你们准备好上课了吗?




T:yes,you are so good.开始呢!老师要告诉大家三个手势,当我把手抬高大家就大声的说:yes,手放平的时候大家的声音像这样说:yes当JOJO把手放在下面时大家就小声的说:yes。"are you ready?"S:yes.



T: (音乐声结束)刚才小朋友表现得都非常的有活力,你们知道刚才那首歌叫什么名字吗?你们喜欢听刚才那首歌吗?


T:嗯,很正确。我们刚才听的健康歌英文名叫《Healthy song》,马上圣诞节就快到了,圣诞老人特别喜欢能跟他说英语的小朋友,他说;谁跟他说英语,他就送谁礼物。小朋友们你们想不想要圣诞老人的神秘礼物啊?


T:想就要跟着JOJO老师学会如何用英语表达"健康" ﹑"运动" 、"唱" ﹑"跳" ﹑"笑"哦。

看这里,跟着我说:HealthS:healthT:heal heal healS:heal heal healT:th th thS:th th thT:health healthS:health healthT:小朋友都会读了吗?

S:会T:ok,very good.大家会读了我就把health姐姐叫出来大家向她打招呼咯!当health姐姐说;hello!小朋友就说;health! Ok?




T;叮叮、、、、我们出来啦!我是你们的"sport哥哥" ﹑我是"sing叔叔" ﹑我是jump弟弟" ﹑还有我"smile妹妹"。我们每人手里都有一张去圣诞节老人家里做客人的邀请函,小朋友们想要吗?





T;让我们大家以热烈的掌声祝贺刚才获胜的4位小朋友,哈哈,没有得到邀请函的小朋友也不要难过,因为圣诞老人会让刚才的获胜者给你们带礼物回来的,人人都有。OK,the class is over .小朋友敬请期待圣诞老人给你们的礼物吧!

幼儿英语教案第四篇:caterpillar butterfly lady

Le on Plan

Teaching content:

Words: caterpillar ladybug

Sentences: Caterpillar is to be butterfly.

Teaching aim:

(1) Help the kids learn the new words and sentence.

(2) Help the kids review:

Words: Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon、fat、thin、hungry

Chant: 《Season Chant》《A Week》

Song: 《Morning Song》

Teaching aids:

(1) Picture cards: caterpillar、ladybug 、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon

(2) Real object: toy butterfly、yellow board、cotton.

Teaching procedure:

1、 Greeting: Say hello to all the guest teachers and make the roll-call .

2、 Warm up : (1) Song 《Morning Song》

(2)Game 《Simon Says》

3、 Presentation

(1) Talk about the weather、days and the season (Review the chant),tell the kids that there will be lots of i ects in ring and summer with the warmer and warmer weather, such as ants 、 iders and so on. Guide the kids to find the i ects in the gra .

Show and teach them the words: caterpillar and ladybug.

Practice the words: whole cla —part—individual Game of the two new words:

Listening game《Find your friends》

eaking game《London Bridge is Falling Down》

(2) Caterpillar makes friends with the ladybug, they have a good time together(play some games). After a while, caterpillar feels a little hungry, he starts to eat: an a le、a pear、a banana、a strawberry、an orange、a cake、a biscuit、a hamburger、an ice-cream、a peach and a watermelon. Now the caterpillar become a fat one, not a tiny one any more. The caterpillar feels sleepy , so he build a small house and go to sleep.

(3) Tell the kids that if they can count the 7 days a week for two times, they will find the magic change of the caterpillar. (Review the days of a week).Show them the butterfly and teach them the new sentence with TPR.

4、 Review

Today we know two new friends and we have a good time together, now it’s time to say goodbye

幼儿英语教案第五篇:Pulling The Big Turnip


2、在听听、看看、说说、玩玩的活动中,理解故事内容,初步学习对话。Can you help us?Yes,I’m glad to help you .


1、出示萝卜,引起幼儿兴趣Today many friends come here , guess ,who are they? Now let’s have a look. An old man \an old women \a little girl\ a dog\a cat and a little mouse,Look, What’s this?(萝卜turnip a big turnip)

2、结合图片教师讲述故事A:Today ,I will tell you a story about the big turnip and  these friends.Now,please look at the picture and listen to me carefully. 《Pulling The Big Turnip》B:Now,let me tell the story again. Please listen to me carefully. 《Pulling The Big Turnip》

3、师幼练习故事中的对话A:Now, Let’s tell the story together.B:OK.Do you understand?Now, Let’s tell the story again.

4、故事表演A: Now,we will play the story. I am the old man Who want to be An old man \an old women \a little girl\ a dog\a cat and a little mouse ? You should do as they do.Are you ready?Now,let’s begin.B:Who want try?let’s play together.

5、结束、延伸 The big turnip is pulled out, are you happy?let’s dancing together!


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